Helping college students
“Campus Outreach is where I have found the most fulfillment in college! It is such a blessing to walk through life and grow in my faith with a community of believers who have become my lifelong friends!"
- Ally Berry, GT '26

Helping college students
in their relationships with God
“Campus Outreach is where I have found the most fulfillment in college! It is such a blessing to walk through life and grow in my faith with a community of believers who have become my lifelong friends!"
- Ally Berry, GT '26

Campus Outreach Atlanta is under the authority of Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, Georgia. This authority expresses itself through church elders and staff giving oversight, accountability and leadership to the ministry. While having an inter-denominational profile on our campuses, we are a ministry of Perimeter Church and adopt its theological beliefs.
We believe the authority of a local church over our ministry is both a blessing and benefit to us as well as advances Christ's mission around the world.
“Campus Outreach is where I have found the most fulfillment in college! It is such a blessing to walk through life and grow in my faith with a community of believers who have become my lifelong friends!"
- Ally Berry, GT '26